Thursday, November 28, 2019

AP Spanish Literature Figuras Retóricas Essays

AP Spanish Literature Figuras Retà ³ricas Essays AP Spanish Literature Figuras Retà ³ricas Paper AP Spanish Literature Figuras Retà ³ricas Paper Essay Topic: Literature aliteracià ³n Alliteration is a stylistic literary device identified by the repeated sound of the first consonant in a series of multiple words. Allen ate apples awkwardly. hipà ©rbole A hyperbole is an extreme exaggeration used to make a point. I literally died. metfora A metaphor is a figure of speech that identifies something as being the same as some unrelated thing for rhetorical effect, thus highlighting the similarities between the two. Freddie is a pig when he eats. onomatopeya the use of imitative and naturally suggestive words for rhetorical, dramatic, or poetic effect. Boo! personificacià ³n Personification is a figure of speech where human qualities are given to animals, objects or ideas. It is the opposite of a metaphor but is very similar. In the arts, personification means representing a non-human thing as if it were human. The fire ran wild. sà ­mil a figure of speech involving the comparison of one thing with another thing of a different kind, used to make a description more emphatic or vivid Im as brave as a lion anfora Anaphora is the repetition of a certain word or phrase at the beginning of successive lines of writing or speech. I have a dream that I have a dream that antà ­tesis Antithesis is used in writing or speech either as a proposition that contrasts with or reverses some previously mentioned proposition, or when two opposites are introduced together for contrasting effect. Thats one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind apà ³strofe an exclamatory passage in a speech or poem addressed to a person that is not present. Twinkle twinkle little star, how I wonder what you are, up above the world so high, like a diamond in the sky. circunlocucià ³n o perà ­frasis Circumlocution is a long, complicated word which means a long, complicated way of expressing something. To cut to the chase, circumlocution means to beat around the bush. The edge of a colossal jungle, so dark green as to be almost black, fringed with white surf, ran straight, like a ruled line, far, far away along a blue sea whose glitter was blurred by a creeping mist. The sun was fierce, the land seemed to glisten and drip with steam. elipsis enumeracià ³n An enumeration is a complete, ordered listing of all the items in a collection. Get eggs, rice, cheese, butter and milk please. eufemismo a mild or indirect word or expression substituted for one considered to be too harsh or blunt when referring to something unpleasant or embarrassing. Passed away in place of died gradacià ³n scale first ____ then ____ hipà ©rbaton an inversion of the normal order of words, especially for the sake of emphasis, as in the sentence. This I must see asà ­ndeton the omission or absence of a conjunction between parts of a sentence. I came, I saw, I conquered. cacofonà ­a Refers to the use of words with sharp, harsh, hissing and unmelodious sounds primarily those of consonants to achieve desired results. Twas brillig, and the slithy toves Did gyre and gimble in the wabe; All mimsy were the borogoves,an And the mome raths outgrabe. epà ­teto An adjective or phrase expressing a quality or attribute regarded as characteristic of the person or thing mentioned. Sailing across the wine-dark sea to men. metonimia A figure of speech in which a thing or concept is called not by its own name but rather by the name of something associated in meaning with that thing or concept Friends, Romans, countrymen, lend me your ears. paradoja A paradox is a statement that apparently contradicts itself and yet might be true. I must be cruel to be kind. polisà ­ndeton he use of several conjunctions in close succession, especially where some could otherwise be omitted He ran and jumped and laughed for joy. sinà ©cdoque a figure of speech in which a term for a part of something refers to the whole of something, or vice versa. She organized her life around the little yellow ball. (tennis ball) sinestesia technique adopted by writers to present ideas, characters or places in such a manner that they appeal to more than one senses like hearing, seeing, smell etc. at a given time. The word would fill her mind for a few minutes with a single color: not an unpleasant sensation but still an intrusion Patriarch: Brown, she thought, a temple of a word, a shiny red brown, like the surface of a chestnut. retruà ©cano A pun. The two pianists had a good marriage. They always were in a chord.

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Miranda essays

Miranda essays In Miranda v. Arizona 384 U.S. 436 (1966), the defendant was arrested at his home for rape and taken to a police station, where he was identified by the complaining witness. The defendant was then interrogated and within two hours signed a written confession. At no time was the defendant informed of his right to consult with an attorney, his right to have an attorney present during the interrogation, or his right not to be compelled to incriminate himself. The defendant was questioned in unfamiliar surroundings, cut off from the outside world. The questions elicited oral statements and written statements that were used as evidence at trial. This case shared the features of incommunicado interrogation of a person in a police dominated atmosphere and resulted in self-incrimination statements without full warning of constitutional rights. The case of Miranda v. Arizona raises questions which go to the roots of our concepts of American criminal jurisprudence: the restraints society must observe consistent with the federal Constitution in prosecuting individuals for crime. We deal with the admissibility of statements obtained from an individual who is subjected to custodial police interrogation and the necessity for procedures which assure that the individual is accorded his privilege under the Fifth Amendment to the Constitution not to be compelled to incriminate himself. (Miranda v. Arizona) Certain phases of this problem were already dealt with in Gideon v. Wainwright in 1963 and Escobedo v. Illinois in 196i4. In Escobedo v. Illinois, law enforcement officials took the defendant into custody and interrogated him in a police station for the purpose of obtaining a confession. The police did not effectively advise him of his right to remain silent or of his right to consult with his attorney. Rather, they confronted him with an alleged accomplice who accused him of having perpetrated a murder. When the defendant denied the a...

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Finance accounting assignment on earning management

Finance accounting on earning management - Assignment Example The second part of the paper would answer questions relating to impairment of assets. It will involve a critique of the circumstances under which impairment is declared. It will also explain when companies must perform impairment reviews and examine a practical case of impairment my Peugeot-Citroen and Vodafone. A. Managers' Incentive for Earning Management. â€Å"Earning management occurs when managers use judgement in financial reporting and in structuring transactions to alter financial reports to either mislead some stakeholders about the underlying economic performance of the company or to influence contractual outcomes that depend on reporting accounting numbers† (Rowen and Yaari, 2009: 26). This implies that earning management is centred around the fact that a firm's directors and managers might want to present information in a way and manner that is not true nor accurate. Earning management is sometimes called disclosure management and creative accounting. It includes the use of approaches and systems to disclose accounting information in a way and manner that meets a defined end or objective (Alistair, 2008). Managers often have targets that are predetermined for them by the board of directors. This implies that they would have to work hard and do whatever is legally acceptable and possible to meet those objectives and standards. In the process of attaining the given standards and objectives of financial statements, most managers end up putting together financial statements in a creative manner. In other words, they do everything possible and practicable to balance the accounts so that it reflects the ends or the final figure that is expected of the management of an organization. In most situations, earning management is done to smoothen profits and ensure that the earning of the company in a given period is forged in a way and manner that it is in line with targets. This presents a different reality of the earnings of the period and this defeats the purpose of financial statements and financial reporting of capturing the economic realities in an objective and complete manner. These managers therefore manage their earning and disclosures in a way that favours them and enables them to appear to be meeting the end that they have in mind. In a research conducted by Cheng and Warfield (2005) they identified that the main objective for earning management amongst manager includes three interlinked ideas and concepts. They include: 1. Earning management incentives 2. Future manager trading. 3. Enhancement of organisational position. The first idea is that earning management incentive allows managers to attain the favour of people who set targets for them. This is because in most cases, managers are judged and assessed on the basis of the attainment of results and targets. In reality, manager's worth is identified by how well he meets the financial and economic targets that are set by the people at the top of corporate governance. There is therefore the desire or expectation to use creative techniques to ensure that they attain financial targets. This leads to pressure to use various loopholes and techniques in accounting concepts to present a favourable position. The second idea is that managers often get incentives that are tied to their performance.

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

The Proponents of the Monument to Forrest Research Paper

The Proponents of the Monument to Forrest - Research Paper Example Courts of law have held that it is up to the judicial system to decide if certain acts carried out in private capacity under the First Amendment are publicly acceptable. Court rulings provide that private acts under the First Amendment are acceptable as long as they do not encroach on the rights of other citizens (Mitchell). For example, a person can decide to shed their clothes in private, but this behaviour cannot take place in public since it leads to obscene behaviour. Under the First Amendment and the right to public expression, a person could theoretically shed their clothes and go public, but under court rulings, this has been exposed as public indecency (Mitchell). In the current situation, the monument to Forrest is being erected on private land, but this private land is publicly exposed to the town centre. The monument to Forrest would be clearly visible from the town centre, and so it would become a public affair. If Nathan Bedford Forrest was recognized as a hero by membe rs of all communities living in Selma, it would be acceptable to erect such a monument to pay homage. However, Forrest is a disputed personality in terms of his historical acceptability to various communities and may provoke outrage in African Americans living in the town. Erecting such a monument in Selma may lead to racial strife between black and anti-black groups, which may trigger violent outcomes. In order to prevent violence and racial friction, it would be pertinent to ensure that the monument to Forrest is not erected near major public centres.

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Exploring the Psychological and Emotional Issues as Relates to a Known Essay

Exploring the Psychological and Emotional Issues as Relates to a Known Stillbirth - Essay Example Pregnancies that reach 38 weeks of gestation normally don't result in the fetus being still born but occasionally this does take place. When it does the midwife and other medical professionals have to be prepared and willing to help the mother cope and seek professional help to get through the devastating tragedy she has to deal with (Geller & Neugebauer 2001, p. 432). The problematic situations that take place are of high concern and the grieving process in itself is just as complicated as attempting to understand the stillbirth of the baby. What makes the grieving process so difficult is the fact that the mother has not had the opportunity to bond with her baby so there are no memories there to comfort the parent at all. This is medically termed, 'the token of remembrance' and leads to high anxiety levels for many of these mothers due to the facts that they never had the opportunity to dress, caress, hold, or even speak with their babies (Radestad et al 1996, pg. 1505). Often the m other falls into a deep depression and goes through a series of psychological phases, some having been briefly mentioned. The traumatization is one very important factor that presents itself in cases such as this one. Some of these are self-blame, and guilt even though there might not exist a medical explanation for the loss whatsoever (Frost 1996, p. 54). As the research will show, psychoanalytical theory, although utilized in the past for assessments following stillbirths was popular in decades past it is now considered unreliable and does not provide relevant information that correlates with the emotional state of women who suffer from such a loss. Stillbirth is now considered to be an event that creates intense feelings of sorrow and depression which can turn to more serious psychological problems, far exceeding the regular baby blue syndrome that women have following a normal delivery of a live baby. Ultimately from having had personal experience with this young woman I can strongly say that I believe the psychosocial factors are what are of the highest concern in ensuring her well-being following this loss. The support that she needs from her spouse, a woman's support network, and her own relatives will definitely affect how she will appraise her loss and cope with it. These also will have a part in how well she manages the various emotional stages that she will indeed have to endure and how her level of distress will have to be managed as well. As was mentioned, depression and high levels of anxiety are the two most common psychological influences following such a tragic occurrence for women. The Case Study The case study shows a woman that was physically fit and took care of herself following the full 38 weeks of her pregnancy. There is no mention of cigarette smoking or alcohol abuse that could be tied in with the untimely death of her fetus in utero. Often these concurrent problems are what medical experts have found that can cause still-births and other related problems with a fetus while still in utero (Lester et al 2004, pg. 1477). However, as was stated, in this case there was no known

Friday, November 15, 2019

Opto-Electronics for Communications: Spectrum Analysis

Opto-Electronics for Communications: Spectrum Analysis This experiment studies the wavelengths of the colours in the spectrum of a light source. I will measure the angle at which colour splits. I will carry out this experiment with three different light sources: Tungsten LED Laser Diode Light Source Spectrum The electromagnetic spectrum describes all the wavelengths. It ranges from the smallest waves possible, radio waves to the largest waves, Gamma radiation. All different size waveforms have different uses. Energy Frequency Wavelength Radiation type Typical use Lowest Lowest Longest Radio waves Television signals Microwaves Cooking, mobile phones Infrared Optical fibre communication Visible light Seeing Ultraviolet Detecting forged bank notes X-rays Medical images of bones Highest Highest Shortest Gamma radiation Killing cancer cells The only Electromagnetic waves we can see are Visible Light Waves. We see visible light waves as colours of the rainbow. Each different colour has its own wavelength different to the others. The longest wavelength is Red, with the shortest wavelength being Violet. The combination of all the light wave colours makes white light. Diffraction We can see each colour of the Visible light spectrum by shining a white light through a prism. By diffraction, the white light splits apart into different colours of visible light. Water vapour can carry out the same effect of diffraction, and the result is a rainbow. Gratings A diffraction grating is a slide with a number of parallel slits drawn on it. The slits are very small, usually 600 per 1mm. When a beam of light is directed at the grating, light will diffract of it and the light is dispersed in certain directions only. This is commonly used to separate colours of the incident light because the diffracted light has different angles according to: All equipment used for this experiment was taken from the PASCO Educational Spectrophotometer Accessory Kit Rotary Motion Sensor Aperture Bracket Light Source PASCO data acquisition software High Sensitivity Light Sensor Equipment Setup Set up the Spectrophotometer next to your chosen light source as shown in Figure 2. Mask the light source with Collimating Slits so it transmits a thin 0.5 to 1.0 cm beam. A hood should be used over the light source to remove any distortion in the experiment results. Align the light source. Turn on the light source and align the light beam by adjusting the Collimating Slits, Collimating Lens and Focusing Lens so a clear image of the central ray appear on the light sensor. Connect the Light Sensor and Rotary Motion Sensor to channels A and B of the PASCO computer interface. Software Setup Open the PASCO data acquisition software. Connect Digital channels 1 and 2 to the Rotary Motion Sensor. Connect Analog Channel A to the Light Sensor. Set up parameters for the Rotary Motion Sensor. A sample rate of 20 Hz with a high resolution of 1440 Divisions per Rotation. Use the PASCO softwares calculator function to calculate the Actual Angular Position based on the Angular Position measurement made by the Rotary Motion Sensor. The measured Angular Position should be divided by 2à Ã¢â€š ¬. Data Recording Setup In the PASCO data acquisition software, select the graph mode. Select the vertical axis as Light Intensity, and Horizontal axis as Actual Angular Position. Turn off the lights in the laboratory to ensure the results are as accurate as possible and no background light interferes. On the top of the light sensor select the appropriate gain setting. Different light sources will require different settings. Select Start Recording Data Turn the light sensor slowly in one complete circle. This will scan through the first order spectrum lines and data will be recorded in the PASCO data acquisition software. Select Stop Recording Data Data Analysis Setup The size of the wavelength can be calculated by analysing the results of the experiments and using the gratings equation. By using a visible light spectrum, we can determine what colour the light is from the size of the calculated waveform. Wavelength Measure the two peaks, R1and R2 Use the visible light wavelength spectrum below to find out what the wavelegth is Tungsten Light Source Dating back to the 1800s, Tungsten light sources are the oldest and most tested light source invented. They first became commercialised by Thomas Edison at the end of the century, leading on to the first light fittings, named after Edison himself. The Edison Screw or ES. A Tungsten filament is the key element to a Tungsten light source. Light is emitted from the filament when it is heated. The filament is heated by passing current through it. This is possible because of the high amount of current passing through such a small conductor. Inert gas such as Argon usually surrounds the conductor to ensure that it does not ignite. 95% of the energy from a Tungsten light source is wasted in the form of heat. Only 5% of the energy is actually used in the form of visible light. This makes it a very inefficient light source. Being a blackbody radiator, a Tungsten light source has a continuous spectrum of light. It generates a high amount of red light compared to natural day light, which gives it the yellow tint. Beyond the visible light spectrum a Tungsten light source even emits infrared wavelengths. This is a waste of energy as it cannot be seen by the human eye. On the next page are the results from the PASCO data acquisition software whilst carrying out the experiment procedure using a Tungsten light source. The light sensor was set to have a gain setting of 100 because of the large spectrum that the wavelength covers. Peak to peak wavelength: Infrared Waveform Trough to trough: Ultraviolet Waveform My experiment results show that the Tungsten light source is emitting wavelengths in the range of 317.88 to 895.14nm. The Tungsten light source is a warm white light as well as Infrared and Ultraviolet light. LED Light Source A LED or Light Emitting Diode is a semiconductor that gives out light when current is passed through it. It is a much more efficient method of emitting light compared to more conventional light sources such as Incandescent lights or Fluorescent lights because less heat is generated, resulting in less heat loss. As well as being more energy efficient compared to Incandescent light sources, LED light sources have a much longer operational time. At the end of an Incandescent lights life the filament will burn out, resulting in the bulb not emitting light. A LED light source after 50,000 hours of use will start to become dimmer and emit less light. The result of this is a light source that lasts a lot longer. The first commercial LED light sources developed were by Hewlett Packard in 1968 to replace indicator lamps. At this time, only LEDs emitting red light were available. Only later on in 1994 were LEDs that emitted blue light first demonstrated by Isamu Akasaki and Hiroshi Amano, who went on to be awarded the 2014 Nobel Prize in physics for their discovery. With the invention of blue coloured LEDs, the invention of white LEDs became apparent. The white LED is a combination of LEDs that emit red, green and blue light. This then led to the LED light source revolution we currently live within. The working principle behind a LED is what is called a P-N Junction. A P-N junction will convert electric current into visible light. This is often called electroluminescence. Colour Wavelength (nm) Typical Material Used Infrared > 760 Gallium arsenide Red 610 to 760 Aluminium gallium arsenide Orange 590 to 610 Gallium arsenide phosphide Yellow 570 to 590 Gallium arsenide phosphide Green 500 to 570 Gallium phosphide Blue 450 to 500 Zinc selenide Violet 400 to 450 Indium gallium nitride Ultraviolet Indium gallium nitride White Broad Spectrum Cool white is a blue LED combined with a yellow phosphor. Warm white is a blue LED combined with a orange phosphor. Table 1: Wavelengths of each colour LED Above is a table outlining the individual wavelengths for each colour that is produced by Light Emitting Diodes. The most common type of LED light source shines line in a single direction. The result of this is a light bulb that only lights up a small area. To correct this problem for use as light sources to light up areas and not as indication lights, most LED light sources are coupled with reflective plates that distribute the light evenly around the room. On the next page are the results from the PASCO data acquisition software whilst carrying out the experiment procedure using a LED light source. The light sensor was set to have a gain setting of 100 because of the large spectrum that the wavelength covers. Peak 1 Peak to peak wavelength: Yellow Waveform Trough to trough: Green Waveform Peak 2 Peak to peak wavelength: Blue Waveform Trough to trough: Blue Waveform My experiment results show that the LED light source is emitting visible light in the ranges of 388 to 473nm and 514 to 583nm. The LED is emitting a combination of yellow and blue to create a cool white colour. White LED By combining yellow and blue waveforms, a cool white colour is formed. This is carried out by lining a blue LED with yellow phosphor. Both yellow and blue photons are emitted. This method of creating white light is much more effective than the more conventional LED RGB method of combining red, green and blue waveforms. This effect was discovered by Sir Isaac Newton in the early 1700s when he was performing colour matching experiments. The colour temperature of the white LED light source is controlled by the thickness of the yellow phosphor that is coated onto the blue LED. Over time, the yellow phosphor will degrade and so the colour characteristics of the LED light source will change. Operating at high temperatures can accelerate this. Laser Light Source Laser is an acronym of Light amplification by simulated emission of radiation. A laser light source emits light when electrons in the atoms of gases become excited by absorbing energy from electrical current. Electrons travel from the lower energy point to the higher energy point around the atoms nucleus. When they travel back from the higher point to their resting state the electrons emit visible light. The wavelength of the photons emitted are constant and coherent, unlike ordinary visible light from other light sources. This means that only one wavelength of light is emitted from a laser light source, resulting in only one specific colour. Also because of this, the light is not diffused like a conventional light source. The light emitted is a very tight beam. The result of this is a beam of light that can travel much further than other light sources. By harvesting the narrow powerful light, laser light sources have various applications such as: Entertainment Laser light shows are created by bouncing different lasers into each other to create special effects Computing Lasers can be used as a form of communication due to the high speed of light. The most common application is fibre optics. Production Due to the high amount of energy concentrated in a laser light source, they can be used in production to cut a range of materials. Optical Fibre Communications Information in the form of coded light of infrared signals are carry across Optical Fibres. The information carried across Optical Fibres can be much more than an ordinary copper data cable of the same diameter. An optical fibre is a very thin shard of glass. Next to no light is absorbed by the glass. Light is carried from one end to the other by total internal reflection (TIR), even when the fibre is bent. The signals in optical fibres do not weaken as much over long distances as the signals in ordinary cables. The laser diode that is used for optical fibre communications is typically either 850nm, 1300nm or 1550nm. This means that the waveform used is in the infrared field of the electromagnetic spectrum. We use infrared because the attenuation if the fibre is less at infrared wavelengths. On the next page are the results from the PASCO data acquisition software whilst carrying out the experiment procedure using a LED light source. The light sensor was set to have a gain setting of 10 because of the small spectrum that the wavelength covers. Peak to peak wavelength: Red Waveform Trough to trough: Red Waveform My experiment results show that the laser light source is emitting visible light in the range of 624 to 690nm. The laser is emitting a red light. The overall results of the spectrum experiment look unique to each other. All three light sources have different spectra to each other. The Tungsten light source has a wide range across the spectrum covering all the visible colours, as well as ultraviolet light to infrared. The LED light source has a much smaller range across the spectrum compared to the Tungsten light source by only emitting waveforms that combine colours to create a cool white effect. The Laser light source had the smallest range on the visible light spectrum, only covering the colour red. This light source is much more concentrated on one area of the spectrum compared to the other light sources. From the results, I can see why each type of light source is used for its applications. Tungsten light sources cover all colours within the visible light spectrum, and so they are good for illuminating objects, in the form of a light bulb. LED light sources only cover specific colours within the visible light spectrum, and so they are good for indication lamps and signals. Laser light sources only cover one area of the light spectrum and therefor used for communications. Laser diode light sources are the key piece of equipment for optical communications because of the small wavelength that they emit. This small wavelength can be interpreted as data signals and used as optical communications. The overall results of this experiment where great. The result were exactly how I predicted them to be. If I could change anything about the experiment, it would be the Tungsten light source. I would use a larger light source as the Tungsten light source used was not very effective during the experiment. Dr Yongkang Gong University of South Wales Lecturer For teaching me about light waves Christopher Edwards Alex Houston Daniel Price University of South Wales Students For taking part in this series of experiments. BBC. (n.d.). Introduction to light waves. Retrieved from BBC Bite Size. Lighting Research Centre. (n.d.). How is white light made with LEDs? Retrieved from NASA. (n.d.). What Wavelength Goes With a Color? Retrieved from PASCO. (n.d.). Educational Spectrophotometer Accessory Kit and System. Photon Start. (n.d.). How LEDs Produce White Light. Retrieved from Physics Education. (n.d.). What is electromagnetic radiation? Retrieved from Physics Forums. (n.d.). LED light diffraction . Retrieved from Science World. (n.d.). Retrieved from Wolfram: Snells Law Explained. (n.d.). Retrieved from Hyper Physics: The Law of Refraction. (n.d.). Retrieved from Math Fundimentals: TIR. (n.d.). Retrieved from Physics Class Room: X-Rite. (n.d.). What is a spectrophotometer? Retrieved from

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

How do the three poems To His Coy Mistress, The Sick Rose and Essay

How do the three poems To His Coy Mistress, The Sick Rose and Sonnet 138 convey the imperfect nature of love? Each of the three poems conveys the imperfect nature of love in one way or another. Personally I feel that love can never be perfect as there are always going to be arguments that arise in any relationship. I think that two people can love each other but it will never be perfect unless there is complete trust and understanding in all situations. Another reason is that there is no such thing as perfection so therefore everything can always be better. The three poems that I am comparing are ‘To His Coy Mistress’, Andrew Marvell (1621-78), ‘The Sick Rose’, William Blake (1757-1827) and ‘Sonnet 138’, William Shakespeare (1564-1616) None of the poems portray a romantic idea of love, but more the dark side of it. Each shows a different aspect of love. However they all show that love is not perfect. Although each poem deals with the imperfect nature of love, they each have their own diverse theme. ‘To His Coy Mistress’ is about sexual desire and basically the poet trying to get his mistress into bed. In this poem the man is trying to persuade and pressure the woman. We then have a poem that can also be interpreted as sexual. An example of the sexual implications of te poem is however this poem’s interpretation is more down to the reader and how they view it. Even with its many interpretations ‘The Sick Rose’ essentially gives a warning about the dangers that love can bring. The third poem has no similarities within the theme as the others do. ‘Sonnet 138’ deals with the imperfect nature of love through the form of lies within a relationship. We can see similarities between the themes of ‘To His Co... ...e similarities within the tones but William Shakespeare’s is completely different to both of them. This poem is more thoughtful and advising. It starts as thoughtful then begins to become questioning. At the end it then develops a tone of resignation. Overall in my opinion ‘The Sick Rose’ is the poem that depicts the imperfect nature of love best. This is because it is the most serious of the poems and it is the one that contains the most warnings. In the other two poems there is a feeling of happiness. Even in ‘To His Coy Mistress’ there is a sense of love in the relationship. ‘The Sick Rose’ however does not give any feelings of happiness but instead reveals a rather dark side of love that nobody would like to be part of. It shows more the pain involved in love. The poem shows that even although people feel love it may not necessarily make them happy. How do the three poems To His Coy Mistress, The Sick Rose and Essay How do the three poems To His Coy Mistress, The Sick Rose and Sonnet 138 convey the imperfect nature of love? Each of the three poems conveys the imperfect nature of love in one way or another. Personally I feel that love can never be perfect as there are always going to be arguments that arise in any relationship. I think that two people can love each other but it will never be perfect unless there is complete trust and understanding in all situations. Another reason is that there is no such thing as perfection so therefore everything can always be better. The three poems that I am comparing are ‘To His Coy Mistress’, Andrew Marvell (1621-78), ‘The Sick Rose’, William Blake (1757-1827) and ‘Sonnet 138’, William Shakespeare (1564-1616) None of the poems portray a romantic idea of love, but more the dark side of it. Each shows a different aspect of love. However they all show that love is not perfect. Although each poem deals with the imperfect nature of love, they each have their own diverse theme. ‘To His Coy Mistress’ is about sexual desire and basically the poet trying to get his mistress into bed. In this poem the man is trying to persuade and pressure the woman. We then have a poem that can also be interpreted as sexual. An example of the sexual implications of te poem is however this poem’s interpretation is more down to the reader and how they view it. Even with its many interpretations ‘The Sick Rose’ essentially gives a warning about the dangers that love can bring. The third poem has no similarities within the theme as the others do. ‘Sonnet 138’ deals with the imperfect nature of love through the form of lies within a relationship. We can see similarities between the themes of ‘To His Co... ...e similarities within the tones but William Shakespeare’s is completely different to both of them. This poem is more thoughtful and advising. It starts as thoughtful then begins to become questioning. At the end it then develops a tone of resignation. Overall in my opinion ‘The Sick Rose’ is the poem that depicts the imperfect nature of love best. This is because it is the most serious of the poems and it is the one that contains the most warnings. In the other two poems there is a feeling of happiness. Even in ‘To His Coy Mistress’ there is a sense of love in the relationship. ‘The Sick Rose’ however does not give any feelings of happiness but instead reveals a rather dark side of love that nobody would like to be part of. It shows more the pain involved in love. The poem shows that even although people feel love it may not necessarily make them happy.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Biography Dato Michelle Yeoh

Yeoh was born to a Malaysian Chinese family in Ipoh, Malaysia. Her parents are Janet Yeoh and Yeoh Kian Geik, a lawyer and MCA politician. [2] She is a Hokkien. [6] She was keen on dance from an early age, beginning ballet at the age of four. At the age of 15, she moved with her parents to England, where she was enrolled in a boarding school. Yeoh later studied at the Royal Academy of Dance in London, majoring in ballet. However, a spinal injury prevented her from becoming a professional ballet dancer, and she transferred her attention to choreography and other arts.She later received a B. A. degree in Creative Arts with a minor in Drama. In 1983, at the age of 20, Yeoh won the Miss Malaysia beauty pageant. [1] She represented Malaysia at the Queen of the Pacific 1983 beauty pageant which was held in Australia and won the crown. She was also Malaysia's representative at the 1983 Miss World pageant in London. From there, she appeared in a television commercial with Jackie Chan which c aught the attention of a fledgling Hong Kong film production company, D&B Films.Yeoh started her film career acting in action and martial arts films such as Yes, Madam in 1985, after which she did most of her own stunts. [7] The D&B Group in Hong Kong was run by Dickson Poon. Yeoh married Poon in 1987 and retired from acting. After the couple divorced in 1992, Yeoh returned to acting. [1]Yeoh's performance in Police Story 3: Super Cop sealed her comeback. She acted in The Heroic Trio in 1993, and the Yuen Woo-ping films Tai Chi Master and Wing Chun in 1994. Yeoh learned English and Malay before Cantonese.She learned the lines for Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon phonetically. She starred in the James Bond film Tomorrow Never Dies as Wai Lin (1997). Natasha Henstridge was rumoured to be cast in the lead Bond girl role but eventually Yeoh was confirmed. [8] Brosnan was impressed, describing her as a â€Å"wonderful actress† who was â€Å"serious and committed about her work†. [9] He referred to her as a â€Å"female James Bond† in reference to her combat abilities. She wanted again to perform her own stunts but was prevented because director Roger Spottiswoode considered it too dangerous.Still she performed all of her own fighting scenes. [10][11] Thereafter, she was offered the role of Seraph in the two sequels to The Matrix, but she could not accept due to a scheduling conflict (the Matrix writers then changed Seraph into a male character and cast Collin Chou in the role). [12] In 2002, she produced her first English film, The Touch through her own production company, Mythical Films. In 2005, Yeoh starred as the graceful Mameha in the film adaptation of Memoirs of a Geisha, and she continued her English-language work in 2007 with Sunshine.In 2008, Michelle Yeoh also starred in fantasy action film The Mummy: Tomb of the Dragon Emperor with Brendan Fraser and Jet Li. [13] Yeoh at the Toronto International Film Festival in 2011. In 2010, she st arred in Reign of Assassins. In October 2011, she was chosen by Guerlain to be its skincare ambassador. [14] Yeoh will play a role in strengthening the French cosmetics company's relationship with Asia. [15] Apart from action films, she is famous for playing nationalists in two biopics. In 1997, she played Soong Ai-ling in the award winning The Soong Sisters. In 2011, she portrayed Aung San Suu Kyi in Luc Besson's The Lady.

Friday, November 8, 2019

Learn About the Distant Dwarf Planet Pluto

Learn About the Distant Dwarf Planet Pluto Of all the planets in the solar system, the tiny dwarf planet Pluto captures peoples attention like no other. For one thing, it was discovered in 1930 by astronomer Clyde Tombaugh. Most planets most planets were found much earlier. For another, its so distant no one knew much about it. That was true until 2015 when the New Horizons spacecraft flew by and gave gorgeous close-up images of it. However, the biggest reason Pluto is on peoples minds is for a much simpler reason: in 2006, a small group of astronomers (most of them not planetary scientists), decided to demote Pluto from being a planet. That started a huge controversy that continues to this day.   Pluto from Earth Pluto is so far away that we cant see it with the naked eye. Most desktop planetarium programs and digital apps can show observers where Pluto is, but anyone wishing to see it needs a pretty good telescope. The Hubble Space Telescope, which orbits Earth, has been able to observe it, but the great distance didnt allow a highly detailed image.   Pluto lies in a region of the solar system called the Kuiper Belt. It contains more dwarf planets, plus a collection of cometary nuclei. Planetary astronomers sometimes refer to this area as the third regime of the solar system, more distant than the terrestrial and gas giant planets.   Pluto by the Numbers As a dwarf planet, Pluto is obviously a small world. It measures 7,232 km around at its equator, which makes it smaller than Mercury and the Jovian moon Ganymede. Its much larger than its companion world Charon, which is  Ã¢â‚¬â€¹3,792  km  around.   For a long time, people thought Pluto was an ice world, which makes sense since it orbits so far from the Sun in a realm where most gases freeze to ice. Studies made by the New Horizons craft show that there is indeed a lot of ice at Pluto. However, it turns out to much denser than expected, which means it has a rocky component far beneath the icy crust.   Distance lends Pluto a certain amount of mystery since we cant see any of its features from Earth. It lies an average of 6 billion kilometers from the Sun. In reality, Plutos orbit is very elliptical (egg-shaped) and so this little world can be anywhere from 4.4 billion km to just over 7.3 billion km, depending on where it is in its orbit. Since it lies so far away from the Sun, Pluto takes 248 Earth years to make one trip around the Sun.   Pluto on the Surface Once New Horizons got to Pluto, it found a world covered with nitrogen ice in some places, along with some water ice. Some of the surface appears very dark and reddish. This is due to an organic substance that is created when ices are bombarded by ultraviolet light from the Sun. Theres a great deal of fairly young ice deposited on the surface, which comes from inside the planet. Jagged mountain peaks made of water ice rise up above flat plains and some of those mountains are as high as the Rockies.   Pluto Under the Surface So, what causes ice to ooze up from underneath Plutos surface?  Planetary scientists have a good idea that theres something heating the planet deep within the core. This mechanism is what helps pave the surface with fresh ice, and shoves up the mountain ranges. One scientist described Pluto as a giant, cosmic lava lamp. Pluto Above the Surface Like most other planets (except Mercury) Pluto has an atmosphere. Its not a very thick one, but the New Horizons spacecraft could definitely detect it.  Mission data show that the atmosphere, which is mostly nitrogen, is replenished as nitrogen gas escapes from the planet. Theres also evidence that material escaping from Pluto manages to land on Charon and collect around its polar cap. Over time, that material is darkened by solar ultraviolet light, too.   Plutos Family Along with Charon, Pluto sports a retinue of tiny moons called Styx, Nix, Kerberos, and Hydra. Theyre oddly shaped and appear to be captured by Pluto after a gigantic collision in the distant past. In keeping with naming conventions used by astronomers, the moons are named from creatures associated with the god of the underworld, Pluto.  Styx is the river that dead souls  cross to get to Hades. Nix is the Greek goddess of darkness, while Hydra was a many-headed serpent. Kerberos is an alternate spelling for Cerberus, the so-called hound of Hades who guarded the gates to the underworld in mythology. Whats Next for Pluto Exploration? There are no further missions being built to go to Pluto. There are plans on the drawing board for one or more that could go out this distant outpost in the solar systems Kuiper Belt and possibly even land there.

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Old English, Parvus sed Potens

Old English, Parvus sed Potens Old English, Parvus sed Potens Old English, Parvus sed Potens By Maeve Maddox Since I am currently participating in an Old English seminarwere translating BeowulfIm especially sensitive to anything that may seem like a slur on Old English, the fascinating language that was the origin of modern English. Todays post is inspired by a readers comment taken out of context. (See Sues remarks in context at Among/Amongst. Theyre really quite amusing.) Reflect on the fact that 50% of the words were using here were stolen from other languages and the other 50% were invented by Shakespeare to plug the gaps. The remark, taken literally, implies that Modern English vocabulary owes nothing to that of Old English and this is the idea that I want to address. True, its estimated that surviving native forms make up only about one-sixth of the enormous vocabulary of modern Englishalthough how this percentage is arrived at is not clear to me since no one seems to be able to agree as to how many words make up the vocabulary of Modern English. According to Michael Quinion at Worldwide Words, estimates of Shakespeare’s vocabulary vary from about 18,000 to 25,000 in various books, because writers have different views about what constitutes a distinct wordyou’d think it would be easy to assess [Shakespeares] vocabulary But estimatesvary from about 18,000 to 25,000because writers have different views about what constitutes a distinct word. Writing on this subject in Slate in 2006, Jesse Sheidlower mentions an entity called the Global Language Monitor. GLM claimed then that the English vocabulary consisted of 988,968 words. GLM is still counting. As of September 9, 2008, the total given on their website is 996,444. The point that Id like to make is that although the native OE vocabulary may be small compared to the Latinate words that came into the language during Shakespeares time, and the deluge of words from every language of the earth weve adopted since that time, the fact remains that wed be unable to say much without them. Take the comment quoted above as an example of our reliance on Old English vocabulary. The comment contains 33 words. Im counting 50% (fifty percent), were (we are), and Shakespeare (shake+spear) as two words each. Take out the repeated words and that leaves 27. Result: 70% of Sues vocabulary in this comment relies on good old Old English! Words of Old English origin: on, the, that, fifty, of, words, we, are, here, were, stolen, from, other, and, other, by, shake, spear, to Words derived from other languages: Latin: reflect, fact, percent, invented Old French: using, languages Dutch: plug Old Norse: gaps Here is Sues comment shorn of its Old English vocabulary. Reflectfact%usinglanguagesinventedpluggaps One of my favorite Latin expressions is Parvus sed potens (small but mighty). Old English vocabulary may have dwindled in proportion to the new words, but it remains the most useful and important part of the modern language. One of my favorite English quotations is this one from the Old English poem The Battle of Maldon: Hige sceal à ¾e heardra, heorte à ¾e cenre, / mod sceal à ¾e mare, à ¾e ure mà ¦gen lytlaà °. The poem describes the last stand of some English warriors fighting invading Danes in CE 991. Its an Alamo situation. The English lose, but they dont run. Freely translated it says: Our resolution will be the firmer, our hearts will be the keener, our spirits will be stronger as our power lessens. If words could be said to have attitude, Id say thats the attitude of Old English vocabulary in modern English. Vive Old English! Quinion article Sheidlower article Global Language Monitor Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the General category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:7 Types of Narrative ConflictGrammar Quiz #21: Restrictive and Nonrestrictive Clauses50 Synonyms for â€Å"Villain†

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Personal & Professional Development Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words - 1

Personal & Professional Development - Assignment Example Whilst undertaking this course, I undertook numerous exercises in seminars and took part in different activities, which as well has been of great help particularly in developing my personal attributes. The activity involved in was presenting the work to my group. During this activity, one of the most challenging issues that I noted was time management. In fact, for the first time as a postgraduate student, I came to recognize that time management is an important skill for all professionals (Cheng and Li-Fang 2004). Even now, I have been working hard to improve on management of time after going through different activities included in my log. To considerably improve my skills of time management, I have been consulting a number of published materials including books, professional practices as well as activities such as group participation. All these were also achieved with the help of a development plan ( Cho, Roberts and Patten 2010). I must say that, I have used my formulated developmental plan to improve my skills of managing time and this is evident in the way I have been accomplishing my assignments-finishing assignments early instead of waiting for the last day rush. As student in management class, particularly specializing in international business, I have immeasurably learned a number of important aspects, which will help me in making informed decisions particularly in cross cultures in future (Cummings and Worley 2009). Generally, this course has enabled me to learn more about varied practices in international management as well as other aspects linked to cross-culture and which will assist me to become a successful manager in an international context. In fact, having studied with various students who come from diverse ethnicities and cultures, I have, through my course, learned to acclimatize and adapt several things as well as ethics, which have helped me to

Friday, November 1, 2019

FUTURE OF NEVADA Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

FUTURE OF NEVADA - Essay Example Las Vegas became a link to California and the Pacific. The blaze of the new trail started peeking off when railroads, dams and buildings were erected. One of Nevada's highlight is its early adherence on the concept of divorce being legislated during the 1900's. By the year 1931, the strict law was reduced only to six weeks to obtain a divorce paper. In the same year, Nevada started legalizing gambling. Subsequently, several casinos were instituted, owned by many famous and elite classes as well as some wealthy criminals. More profoundly, in the year 1967, Nevada had allowed held corporations to own casinos through legislative enactment. The industry of gambling had attracted many visitors each year, hence there is a need for luxurious accommodation. Hotels and motels were constructed to keep pace with every year's visitors and sojourners. Also residential buildings were erected for those who wanted to stay around in Las Vegas. Now Las Vegas turns into a fancy place, where everybody y ears for good fortune being sought by the gamblers. As years pass by, several casinos and gambling place was set forth in Las Vegas, as a result thereof, many visitors lush each year, many of them awe in the beautiful buildings and huge gambling sites promising for large penny. However, this event does not guarantee a bright future of Las Vegas.